Job Oppurtunities
Now that the dust is settling after the passage of Obamacare and we are beginning to understand the financial implications for future generations this administration is imposing upon America, I now understand that there are some positive aspects to all of this.
There are jobs being created and we should recognize these opportunities where they exist. Our children and grandchildren, even with the financial burden they now shoulder, should be thankful to Obama for these opportunities for employment.
- Taxation Brainstormer: These folks will be paid for their creativity in coming up with more adequate ways to extort money from productive, tax-paying citizens. After all, the cost of government is so massive that the present extortions are just not adequate .These folks will be busy!
- Government Math Teacher: As many already know, in Obamacare, $500 billion was taken from Medicare and then spent in another program. This of course adds up to a $1 trillion savings! Explaining this to people with at least second grade math skills will certainly be an opportunity for employment.
- IRS Agents: I have read that America, the land of the free, requires as many as 15 thousand more IRS agents to go out into the public with the “Sword of Statism” to make sure that all citizens are paying to the maximum. These agents, of course, will work hand-in-hand with the Taxation Brainstormers. They could have meetings at some of the many costal resort towns in our country. The old phrase that the Nazis used against the Jews in WWII could be reinstituted – “Your Papers Please”!
- Printers: We will need someone to print the “Papers” that folks will present to the Statists and also, because we do not have nearly enough money, there is a dire need for more available cash. Printing money to pay the national debt will provide a long-term employment opportunity since the national debt grows faster than the money can be printed with our current presses.
- Wealth/Asset Distributors: As we all know, there is certainly an uneven distribution of wealth in this country. Some folks have just won “life’s lottery” and are certainly not deserving of the riches bestowed upon them by good fortune. The fact that they have worked and saved all their lives and have lived beneath their means is not important – the important thing is that some folks because of life choices, just do not have enough money to be comfortable and it is unfair that those “blessed” folks enjoy their good fortune at the expense of the less fortunate.
- Faith Healers: It only follows that adding millions of folks to the pool of patients needing health care will increase the need for health care providers. Because the process of becoming a physician is so expensive and time-demanding, why put oneself through this and pile up massive debt in order to graduate and make a modest salary in Obamacare. The quickest way to become a provider is to just be a faith healer and this would fill a vast need. After all, everyone knows that if one gets a terrible disease, he has but to “really believe” in healing and it will surely happen. Why waste all of that time and money on becoming a physician?
- Law School Demolition: The passage of Obamacare has clearly shown us that the two-party system is outdated. The educated elite, who are thankfully in power, have shown us that their superior intellect is a thing that all citizens can trust to bring about the “change we can believe in”! The Constitution is most certainly outdated and their “progressive” thinking will provide the escape (from the confines of the Rule of Law) that this country needs and deserves. Since the Rule of Law no longer exists in this land, there is no need for law schools. The demolition of these hundreds of buildings throughout our land should keep many able-bodied folks busy for quite a while. Are these the “shovel- ready” jobs that your president so adroitly spoke about when he read the words from his teleprompter?
- Courtroom Refurbisher: Because law schools will be no longer be needed and because the Rule of Law has been replaced with a Progressive Living Document there will no longer be a need for courthouses throughout our land. Local municipalities can simply refurbish these outdated buildings to be used as adequate housing for the homeless. Or they could be refurbished to be large day-care centers so that parents would be free to enjoy their lives while the Obama administration provides someone to take care of their children. This, in some small way, could assuage their feelings of unhappiness for making poor choices in life. Why not create a Statist Diner in one of these places – the possibilities are endless!
- Self-Esteem Coaches: Since there is no such thing as right and wrong, it logically follows that there is not such thing as crime and punishment and therefore, no need for jails or prisons. People no longer would commit crimes but rather just make poor choices that cause pain to other people … like murder, rape, child molestation, robbery, assault and so on! If only these folks could learn to feel good about themselves there would be no more pain and suffering in the world. America would be a utopia and the world would live as ONE. Imagine!
- Statue Carvers: Throughout our great land we would employ artisans to create statues of Karl Marx, Obama – the Annointed, and of course a giant one to the “Gullability of Americans” (this could be a large tube of Astroglide)! These would be reminders of what 320 million Americans (give or take a few) allowed about 535 folks in Washington to do to us. We need plenty of these!
I hope this has enlightened many to the opportunities that are before us. I am so grateful to the enlightened that have provided these possibilities of employment.
George Goddard
Kennesaw, Georgia
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