Sunday, December 23, 2007

The War on Christmas

This morning I read in the Marietta Daily Journal a letter sent to the editor about the Christmas season. The writer pointed out that Congress recently voted on three resolutions to recognize Ramadan (Islam), Diwali (Hindu) and Christmas (Christianity). These resolutions merely recognized the importance of these holidays to their respective faiths. The Christmas resolution was the only one that did not pass unanimously ... receiving 9 votes against it!

The "War on Christmas" is not a new thing, because what underlies this war is the hatred of Christianity. We humans, just like Adam and Eve in the garden, want to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We want to decide what is right and wrong. We will go to court in a heartbeat to sue a person who is not "politically correct" and has stepped on our "rights", while proclaiming from the rooftops that there is no such thing as "right and wrong"!

One may question why this is happening or one may question why some in the media are bringing this "War on Christmas" to light (Bill O'Reily).

The answer is very simple ... people, in general, hate Jesus Christ! They have been hating him for 2000 years! They hated him so much that they had Him crucified. Oh, He is OK as long as He is included as one in many. The Roman culture was polytheistic and some of its citizens even had statues of many of "the gods" in their homes. The more the merrier was the rule of the day. The problem emerged with a vengenance when He claimed to be the ONLY WAY. He claimed to be "Very God of Very God". Paul stated that "There is no other name under Heaven and Earth by which men may be saved". Even more, he who has the Son has eternal life and he who does not have the Son does not have eternal life.

Simply put, there is no other way to the ONLY God except through the mediation of Jesus Christ. We who are unholy cannot approach a Holy God based on our own fickle righteous acts. There is no God but THE God, Isaiah tells us. Scripture tells us that we are by nature "children of wrath"! We are born God-Haters! The late John Gerstner said that mankind hates God and if we could get our hands around His neck we would strangle him. The one chance we got ... we did kill him! So why are we shocked at the antics of those that hate Christmas and Christ so much, when we know that 2000 years ago when The Word became flesh and dwelt among us in grace and truth, that we killed HIM. If we killed him while jeering at Him on the cross, why are we so surprised that people still enjoy jeering at Him now.

There is a difference! He is no longer on the Cross. He is risen!

I hear so many "people of faith" (whatever that is) asking people: "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior?"! I can find no language like this in the Bible. Christ IS the Savior and the Lord whether you accept Him or not! A personal Jesus is not offensive, but a Jesus that is Lord over all ... the ONLY WAY ... is VERY offensive. If He is the Lord, then we have to be accountable and we hate to be accountable. If we can just get enough people to join in the war on Christmas and the war on Christianity, then maybe our guilt over our sin will go away.

Your guilt will not go away! The Law is written on your heart and will slap your wrist everytime you think you can be unaccountable!

Modern day evangelicalism, seemingly unknowingly, is one of the biggest offenders in this war on Christianity. So many churches have become "therapeutic" in their message ... it seems to be all about helping dysfunctional folks get recovery. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is not the Gospel and this should not be the chief focus of the Church. Our biggest problem is SIN! We are a fallen people and we are helpless to correct our problem. We cannot be in the presence of the Holy God based on our own merit. We must have the merit of another ... Jesus Christ ... in whom the Father is well-pleased. We are brought to this by the ministry of Word and Sacrament and our response should be to believe ... by faith. This faith is a gift of God so that no one can boast in his or her intellect.

I saw one church that had "Western Day", where folks dressed up like cowboys! There are Starbucks Coffee Houses, bookstores, snow cones and pony rides to entice folks to come.

All you need is your guilt before a Holy God. Find a church that has no programs and simply has a minister that serves you the Word and Sacrament. Then go back to whatever is your station in life and live a life worthy of your calling. If you're a plumber ... then be the best plumber in the world. Do a fantastic job for a fair price. You don't have to get a purple bus plastered with "Honk If You Love Jesus" stickers. Just go to your job, or school or wherever and live a life of gratitude for the finished work of Jesus Christ on your behalf.

Atheists have always been among us, but the biggest problem I see today is much more subtle. Paul wrote to Timothy about this in the 3rd chapter of 2 Timothy:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING ITS POWER. AND FROM SUCH PEOPLE TURN AWAY.

I have more respect for the atheist faction than I do for the religious faction in this War on Christmas. At least they are honest in their unbelief!

Don't be fooled! The War on Christmas is really a war against Christianity ... which is a war against accountability. We want to do whatever we want ... whenever we want!

Those who hate Christianity are looking for safety in numbers and the numbers are increasing, but they are fighting a battle they cannot win.

Remember, we are not in charge.

Thank goodness!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

8:40 PM  

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