I took a great deal of interest in the Extreme Makeover home building in Clayton County, Georgia back in 2005! You see, my friend, Ian Grey, was one of the architects who designed this mini-castle with ancient beams brought in and many other amazing touches. Ian also designed our mountain home in North Carolina (no mini-castle), so, of course, we were excited about the airing of this TV show documenting the building of this home for this "needy" family.
They were a "needy family" for sure, but what they really "needed" were brains. Unfortunately, nobody could construct this!
This family was given a $450,000.00 home free of charge to replace the shack with backed up plumbing they previously occupied.
In addition, Beazer Homes' employees raised another $250,000.00 in contributions for this "needy" family, including scholarships for the couples 3 children.
AND a home maintenance fund!
And enough money to pay the taxes on the house for 25 years!
AND 1800 people volunteered (wasted) their time on this project!
AND it was all on national TV!
They obviously took out a line of credit on the home and used the money to start a contruction business ... these people who previously lived in a shack (who were experts at construction ... yeah, right)!
This 4-bedroom home with a 3-car garage is scheduled for auction on the Clayton County Courthouse steps on August 5th!
Mayor Willie Oswalt said, "It's aggravating. It just makes you mad. You do that much work and they just squander it." ( AJC qoute)
I guess the old adage still rings true. "One cannot make chicken salad out of chicken s**t"!
AND THE WHOLE NATION WONDERS WHY WE HAVE THIS MORTGAGE CRISIS! This was not about someone having tough luck and needing help during a difficult patch of life ... it is about the "I want everything now" mindset that permeates our culture.
I cannot help but quote Mayor Oswalt again when I think about the Great Society Welfare State our Progressive politicians have created at the expense of those who try hard and play by the rules. "It's aggravating. It just makes you mad. You do that much work and they just squander it."