Tuesday, November 18, 2008



The title of this book says it all. Mark Frost has done an absolutely excellent job of immersing the reader into the moment of this event at Cypress Point Golf Club on a beautiful morning in 1956.

Byron Nelson, Ben Hogan, Ken Venturi and Harvie Ward - Nelson and Hogan (the professionals) vs. the amateurs, Venturi and Ward. The wager between Ed Lowrey and George Coleman. What began as an unannounced friendly game quickly became a spectacle as the news of "The Match" spread across the peninsula that morning.

Frost adroitly integrates the histories of the courses and the participants into a read that golf lovers will not be able to put down. Dr. Allister McKenzie, Marion Hollins (whose father's closest friends were William Vanderbilt and J.P. Morgan)and others involved in creating the golf mecca on the Monterey Peninsula were also introduced as part of a golf history lesson along-side the story of "The Match".

I enjoy "Googling" the names of the folks mentioned in this story as I read. It almost makes me feel as if I were there as I look at the pictures of these historic figures.

In the last paragraph of the book it is stated, "No four men will ever play such a match again. No four men like these."

What more needs to be said.

Friday, November 07, 2008

2 Out Of 68 Is Not Good

Mesa State Mavericks

Of the 68 college and university newspapers to endorse a presidential candidate - all but 2 endorsed Obama.

Of the 66 college newspapers to endorse Obama, 44 were from public universities.

McCain fared better throughout the nation among professional newspapers, but most still endorsed the Democratic nominee.

My hat is off to the 2 bold college newspapers that endorsed Senator McCain: The University of Mississippi's Daily Mississippian and The Criterion at Mesa State College in Colorado.

Many of these college papers were in states that endorsed McCain in the election. In other words - conservative parents send their kids off to liberal universities and colleges only to have the skulls of mush of their offspring injected with the liberal drivel of the professors who cannot make it in the real world.

And all on the parents' dollar!

Is this a great country or what?

Do these youngsters realize that they will pay the bill for this! They will discover this soon enough.

The surest cure for liberalism is to get a job!

A Reason To Sleep

Americans don't get enough sleep.

We all know how sleep deprivation makes us feel, but did you know that getting enough shut-eye could prevent heart disease.

That's right! Swedish researchers looked at 20 years of records and discovered a dip in the number of heart attacks on the Monday after clocks were set back an hour ... maybe getting that extra hour does more good than we know.

Dr. Lori Mosca says, "sleep - through a variety of mechanisms - affects our cardiovascular health". "Sleep not only impacts how we feel, but it may also affect whether we develop heart disease or not"!

These findings were published in the October 2008 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Mosca also said that "sleep can affect the heart through changes in blood pressure, inflammation, blood clotting, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood vessels".

So ... there you have it. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, stay away from sugar, get plenty of exercise and sleep!

How simple is that.

I am looking forward to going to the mountains next week-end to get plenty of deep and restful sleep. It's part of my cardiovascular health routine.