Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Having It Your Way Ain't Just For Burger King

My long time friend and buddy, Tom Lanier, loves to watch college football either live or on the tube ... it doesn't matter. The dude loves sports and he loves sports on TV! His wife, Jan, has often told me that when he dies (a long time from now I pray) we should prop him up in a chair and put a remote control in his hand with a video of the "run Lindsay run" Georgia-Florida game of 1975 playing on a TV in the background. The truth is that Jan really didn't say this, but I am sure that the thought has often crossed her mind. I always thought that something like this was a virtual impossibility ... but I have been proven wrong.

In addition, the words of my beloved and departed mother are ringing true once more.
She often commented upon hearing of a "different" sort of wedding or funeral that "There are two things you can have ANYWAY you wish ... your wedding and your funeral." There really are no hard and fast rules ... and these photos have proven it so.

Just imagine these pictures with the Pittsburg Steeler's blanket being replaced with a big ole' red Georgia Bulldog blanket and with Herschel Walker videos playing in the background. There should probably be a few pictures of UGA I,II,III,IV etc. and an autographed football signed by Larry Munson ... maybe a pair of Kevin Butler's shoes also. Now that would be a funeral!

I grew up in a family of funeral directors and I have never seen anything like this.

Yep, Mamma was right!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Whatever Your Hand Finds To Do

The Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) has just published (September 12, 2207) their most recent data on U.S. life expectancy. A child born in the United States in 2005 can expect to live 78 (77.9) years - a new high.

This increase represents a continuation of a long-running trend. Life expectancy has increased from 75.8 years in 1995, and from 69.6 years in 1955.

Being the son of a funeral director, there is one thing that I can tell you with absolute certainty - you will die! I have been around death all my life and I can promise that you will not make it out of this life alive.

Get used to it!

Do the math here: 78 minus (your age) = the number of years you have left!

Have you got a number in your head? I'll use my age for an example. 78 - 55 = 23! That gives me (on average) 23 years to do whatever it is that I plan on doing in this life! This is assuming, of course, that for all of these 23 years I remain healthy. Throw in a few years of end-of-life illness, normal sick days, tooth decay, headaches, diarrhea and embarrassing jockey itch and now I only have around 20 good years left. What will I do with my life during these precious and few years? What level of "crap" (from work etc.) will I be willing to tolerate during this short time I have left on earth.

Have you finished the math on your life yet? Are you thinking about your life or will you continue to wander aimlessly for your remaining years? What do you believe and why do you believe it?

Listen to the words of King Solomon, the king of "been there, done that" found in Ecclesiastes 9:10,12:

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

For the man also does not know his time:
Like fish taken in a cruel net,
Like birds caught in a snare,
So the sons of men are snared in an evil time,
When it falls suddenly upon them.

A child born in the United States in 2005 can expect to live nearly 78 years. Yep, that was in the news today.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Systematic Theology

If one were interested in joining a church, would it not be prudent to ask what the church believed? Surely, one might hear, we believe in Jesus. "We don't worry about doctrine and theology because all that stuff just divides people. We just love Jesus." Also, one might hear that they are non-denominational because denominations just cause divisions. Well, that is all well and good, but I still have not been told what the church believes? Jesus you say, well then, who is Jesus? Where is He now? Why did He come to earth? Is He coming back? What did He do while He was here? Sorry to disillusion you, but we are now talking theology and doctrine. I have a friend who attended a "non-denominational" church and upon hearing many conflicting thoughts coming from the pulpit, he went to the "officers" and asked if they could tell him exactly what the church believed. He asked them to put it in written form so he could look over it diligently and determine if Holy Scripture supported their beliefs. He was told, after several weeks, that they did not have a written document of their beliefs and they were not able to supply one. Needless to say, my friend no longer attends this "church"!

I am a confessional Christian. I attend a Church that adheres to the Westminster Confession of Faith. This document systematically states the beliefs of the Church. If the minister were to preach something contrary to this belief system, I could very easily ask a question of the Session (the governing body) and have an answer very quickly! The minister, before getting credentials to preach in the Church, is required to "subscribe" to the teachings of the Confession. If he ever broke this promise, he could lose his credentials. The purpose of all of this is to avoid divisions because everything is clearly written out for all to see. In addition, if the minister were to die or move, the Church could continue its ministry of Word and Sacrament because doctrine not "charisma" is the basis of the belief system and everything is clearly written ut for all to see. The confession is subordinate to Holy Scripture, of course, but it is a concise and clear explanation of what this "denomination" believes the Bible teaches. Elders and ministerss are required to adhere to the confession, but subscription is not a requirement for Church membership. There is no "easy believism"! It takes years of diligent study to come to an understanding. The gospel message is very simple (the perspicuity of Scripture as the Reformers stated), but Peter warns us that there are things in Scripture that are very difficult to understand and that "false teachers" will come along and twist these "teachings" to their own benefit (2 Peter 2:1;3:16). Remember that false teachers do not come from outside the Church but from within.

Because of these ideas stated here, Christians should demand a statement or a confession from their Church. How else could one possibly study their teachings if they are not written down for all to see? What do you believe? Is this a logical question? The Anglicans have the 39 Articles. The Lutherans have the Ausburg Confession. The Baptists have the 1689 London Confession (but I know very few Baptists that are aware of this fact). The Presbyterians have the Westminster Confession and the Belgic Confession. These are well thought out and are very clear and concise. There are no "smoke and mirrors" here, just plain and simple language.

Scripture has been divided into seven(7) subjects in the study of systematic theology. These 7 subjects are not located in one place in Scripture, but rather can be found all through its pages, hence the reason for systematically listing them. If you get a clear understanding of the 7 subjects, you will clearly know what you believe. Your "church" certainly should be able to clearly tell you what it believes about these 7 subjects:

1. The doctrine of God: What does the Bible teach about God and Scripture?

2. Christology: What does the Bible teach about Christ?

3. Pneumatology: What does the Bible teach about the Holy Spirit?

4. Anthropology: What does the Bible teach about man and his condition?

5. Soteriology: What does the Bible teach about salvation?

6. Ecclesiology: What does the Bible teach about the Church and the 2 Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper)?

7. Eschatology: What does the Bible teach about the end times? (hint: if you see the LEFT BEHIND books in the pastor's study ... RUN)! Premillennialism? Postmillennialism? Amillennialism? Contrary to what many may say, knowing the difference in these 3 is very important.

A denomination would clearly state what they believe about these subjects! A non-denominational church IS a denomination! Either they do not know what they believe on these matters or they are keeping it a secret or they just do not care. This denomination is lovingly called the "Happy-Clappy"! This would make is difficult for one to make a decision about joining. Would it not?

If no one can clearly tell you what they believe, what would you be joining?